Kamis, Oktober 07, 2010

Here I come to You (?)

Ada 1 lagu yg hari ini bener2 lagi me-rhema buat aku. Ga tau judulnya apa, n ga tau jg sapa yg nyanyi. tapi kata2nya seperti ini:

Lord, I love You, and I want to do Your will
not just good and acceptable, but Your perfect will
Lord renewed my mind and my whole life would be change
for the Glory of Your name, for the Glory of Your name

Here I come to You, offer my life to You
as a living sacrifice, to be pleasing in Your eyes
I will follow You, set my eyes on You
never ever turning back, and I know I won't regret

Jesus, I surrender all of my life

Selasa, Oktober 05, 2010

Pondok Indah Kitchen

Salah satu project yg aku buat. Masi blom sempurna, tapi untuk konsepnya udah keliatan lah ya.. Masi harus ningkatin ilmu ngerender.. :)