Jumat, September 14, 2007


This is d 1st blog about my life..

Mungkin sebagian dr tmn2 g d pernah denger ni cerita, tp ga ada salahnya jg kan klo g ceritain lg disini.. Mudah2an bs jd berkat buat org laen, yg mgkn pernah ngalamin hal yg sama kya g..

Wkt kls 1 SMA g pnah ga naek kls.. Hoho. Memang sesuatu yg ga bs dibanggakan, bahkan buat sebagian org itu adlh hal yg sgt memalukan. Yupz, wkt pas mengalaminya g cukup shock n g cukup kecewa ama Tuhan. Begitu byk ptnyaan yg muncul di pikiran g.. Apa yg salah dlm hidup g? G ud melayani Tuhan, tp knp g ngalamin ini semua,pdhl g d ksi yg terbaik.

Mau mundur dr pelayanan? Oh, itu sudah terpikirkan oleh g.. Tp klo saat itu g bner2 mundur, g namanya melarikan diri dr proses yg Tuhan kasih. Wkt itu g blom bs mikir spt itu sih, tp thx God Tuhan ksi org2 di sekitar g yg sgt mendukung g. Mulai dr ortu yg nguatin n ksi tau utk bljr bersyukur apa pun yg terjadi, tmn2 plynan yg jg mendukung, bahkan tmn2 sekls yg ttp mau bantuin ketika g mengulang.

Begitu byk proses yg g alamin ketika itu. Sangat amat ga gampang utk bersyukur ketika ngalamin hal itu sendiri. Mulai dr hrs menerima konsekuensi di-cut dr plynan utk sementara, ktmu dgn tmn2 baru yg otomatis bda 1 thn dr g, dll. Tdk segampang yg dipikirkan ketika menjalaninya.

Tp stlh bertahun2 kemudian, saat ini g tdk menyesali semua itu, bahkan g sgt bersyukur klo hal itu bole terjadi. G cb berpikir hal2 positif ap aj sih yg d g dptin dr hal negatif itu. G rasa itu salah satu cara paling gampang utk bljr bsyukur thdp sesuatu hal, liat dr sisi positifnya. Ketika g ga naek kls, otomatis pengeluaran ortu jd ga terlalu berat. Yg tdnya tiap thn hrs beli 2 set buku pelajaran, skrg jd cm 1 aj n thn dpnnya g bs pake pny shellin. Yg tdnya pas msk uni hrs brgan, skrg jd bda setahun. (berasa euy klo lgs mskin 2 anak ke uni. biaya dobel..)

Selain itu semua, g jg berpikir, seandainya wkt itu g naek kls, ap di kls 2 g bs ikutin pelajaran, ap g akan ktmu tmn2 yg skrg ini g miliki, ap g bs msk uni jurusan arsitek, ap g bs lulus dgn nilai yg ckp baik dr sma n dr uni? G rasa klo wkt itu Tuhan ga ijinin g ga naek kls, g tdk akan memiliki semua itu saat ini.

Mgkn setelah bc crt g, kalian bs ngmng itu kan elu, g mana mgkn bs kya gt, sekeliling g ga mendukung, itu kan dulu, klo lu ngalaminnya skrg gmn? Guyzz, g cm bs blg, oke mgkn itu g wkt itu, tp that's not easy utk dilaluinnya. Mgkn memang terlihat org2 di sekitar g mendukung, tp klo wkt itu g ga taat utk bljr bersyukur, g rasa g ga mgkn jd spt skrg. G bs aj wkt itu pindah sekolah n lgs naek kls. Tp g mo bljr taat. Bljr bersyukur. Klo g bs lewatin semua itu, g yakin semuanya jg bs.

Mgkn itu sedikit cerita dr g, skrg g akan cb bandingin dgn kehidupan rohani qta. Sama aja sebenernya. Ketika kita jatoh, ketika kita gagal melewati ujian yg Tuhan kasih, bisa ga qta belajar utk ttp bersyukur? Ayo, jgn nyerah! Ketika kita blom bs melewati ujian itu, kita ga akan 'naek kls'. Tuhan akan ksi ujian2 yg sama sampe kita berhasil melewatinya.

Yukz qta sama2 belajar bersyukur buat apa pun yg terjadi dlm kehidupan kita. Belajar bersyukur apa pun proses yg Tuhan ijinkan terjadi dlm hidup qta. N yg pasti selalu inget, He never leave us alone!


Ending of Doraemon

As you know, Doraemon is a story with no ending, but this small story is about the "last episode" of the famous cartoon. Someone made this story and uploaded it to his homepage, and it is now widely spread all around Japan through the internet. Here it goes; One day,a very normal day, Nobita came back from school and went upstairs of his house. Doraemon was there sleeping, just like the other normal day. "Hey, Doraemon, please wake up, lets play!", but Doraemon does not wake up. Nobita thought that Doraemon is tired, so he went out to play with Shizuka-chan and other folks. After few hours, he returned to his home, but Doraemon was still sleeping. Nobita felt something strange, and tried to wake him up. But there was no reply. He became to feel afraid, and tried to wake him up, but whatever he does, Doraemon did not wake up. Nobita exactly knew that something was different. This never happened before. He began crying, but though he screamed or cried, the famous fat-cat-robot did not make a single move at all. He came up to one idea, and jumped into his desk -the time machine-and went to the future to meet Dorami-chan, Doraemon's sister. He begged her for help, and forced her to go with him back to 1998. After a short trip again back to 1998 by the time machine, Dorami-chan looked all over his brother Doraemon to see what was wrong with him. After few minutes, she said "the battery is out" Nobita was relieved, and said, "battery? so he is not broken right? please replace or recharge his battery, and put him back like before" But Dorami-chan shook her head and said, "Nobita-san, should I really do that?" Nobita said "what? what do you mean?" Dorami-chan replied; "His main battery is here, close to his pocket. And it ran out. But originally, he had a back-up battery in his ears, but as you know, his ears were eaten by a rat very many years ago, so he does not have a back-up battery now" "so what do you mean?" "I mean, if I replace his battery, every memory of you will be eternally lost from his brain program" "WHAT?????" "Shall I do that?" Nobita closed his eyes. He cried, but after few minutes, he stopped crying, and quietly told Dorami-chan; "Dorami-chan, thanks for coming here. I will take care of the rest. You have to go back to your future time now" Dorami-chan could not decide what to do, but anyway she hugged Nobita quietly, and she went back home. After she went back,Nobita carried Doraemon and placed him into the shelf.

...........TIME FLIES..........

Year 2010, Nobita grew up. Since that day, he changed. He studied hard, did not cry anymore, and he lived without Doraemon. He told Shizuka and other folks that Doraemon had to go back to his future, and could not meet him anymore. Shizuka was impressed to Nobita's mysterious appearance which became completely different from 10years ago. They fell in love, and married. Nobita became a scientist. He made a laboratory in his room, and was studying hard with his job all day. He told Shizuka not to come into the room, as it is very dangerous inside. But one day, he called Shizuka and told her to come in to his room. It was the first time for her to enter his husband's room. The moment she went in, she lost her words ......There was her friend Doraemon, who she used to play in her childhood days. Doraemon was not moving. It seemed as he was sleeping. "Look, Shizuka, I will plug in from now" Nobita turned on the main switch on Doraemon. Doraemon quietly, very quietly started to open his eyes. It was the moment the inventor of Doraemon became clear. It was Nobita. He studied hard and hard just to meet and talk with his old friend again. Going back and forth of time, Nobita was the one who made Doraemon. He discovered all the programs and archetecture of Doraemon-type-robot. Nobita and Shizuka was crying gently. Doraemon opened his eyes. He looked around, and finally said, "Nobita-kun, did you finish your homework?" There was the same white clouds in the sky like the times they used to spend together.

Kamis, September 13, 2007

Hidup adalah PROSES

Kadang kita bertanya dlm hati & menyalahkan Tuhan,
"apa yg telah saya lakukan
sampai saya harus mengalami ini semua ?"
atau "kenapa Tuhan membiarkan ini semua terjadi pada
saya ?"

Here is a wonderful explanation...
Seorang anak memberitahu ibunya kalau
segala sesuatu tidak berjalan seperti yang dia
harapkan. Dia mendapatkan nilai jelek dalam raport,
putus dengan pacarnya, dan sahabat terbaiknya
pindah ke luar kota.

Saat itu ibunya sedang membuat kue, dan
menawarkan apakah anaknya mau mencicipinya,
dengan senang hati dia berkata, "Tentu saja, I love
your cake."

"Nih, cicipi mentega ini," kata Ibunya menawarkan.
"Yaiks," ujar anaknya.
"Bagaimana dgn telur mentah ?"
"You're kidding me, Mom."
"Mau coba tepung terigu atau baking soda ?"
"Mom, semua itu menjijikkan!!."

Lalu Ibunya menjawab, "ya, semua itu memang
kelihatannya tidak enak jika dilihat satu per
satu. Tapi jika dicampur jadi satu melalui satu
proses yang benar, akan menjadi kue yang enak."

Tuhan bekerja dengan cara yang sama.Seringkali
kita bertanya kenapa Dia membiarkan
kita melalui masa-masa yang sulit dan tidak
menyenangkan. Tapi Tuhan tahu jika Dia
membiarkan semuanya terjadi satu per satu
sesuai dgn rancanganNya, segala sesuatunya
kan menjadi sempurna tepat pada waktunya.

Kita hanya perlu percaya proses ini diperlukan
untuk menyempurnakan hidup kita.

Tuhan teramat sangat mencintai kita. Dia
mengirimkan bunga setiap musim semi, sinar
matahari setiap pagi. Setiap saat kita ingin
bicara, Dia akan mendengarkan. Dia ada setiap
saat kita membutuhkanNya, Dia ada di setiap
tempat, dan Dia memilih untuk berdiam di hati kita.

Bagaimana dengan Mereka

One Way

Oh betapa indahnya, hidup kita jalani
Tiada waktu terlewat, tanpa bahagia ...
Mari lihat keluar, terkadang kita lupa
Kita tak sendiri, menikmati indahnya
Hidup yang diberikan oleh sang pencipta

Bagaimana dengan mereka yang menjerit karena lapar
Dan hidup dari belas kasihan orang s'perti kita
Bagaimana dengan mereka yang tak punya apa-apa
Apa yang t'lah kita buat
Karena kita diciptakan
Untuk berbagi hidup dengan mereka

Don't Give Up

Don't give up.....

One day I decided to quit...
I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
"God", I asked, "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"
His answer surprised me...
"Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
"Yes", I replied.
"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light.
I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor.
Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. He said.
"In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed.
But I would not quit.
In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would
not quit." He said.
"Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared
to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just 6
months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.
I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle."
He asked me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots".
"I would not quit on the bamboo.
I will never quit on you."
"Don't compare yourself to others."
He said.
"The bamboo had adifferent Purpose than the fern.
Yet they both make the forest beautiful."
"Your time will come", God said to me.
"You will rise high"
"How high should I rise?"
I asked.
"How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.
"As high as it can?" I questioned.
"Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."
I left the forest and brought back this story.
I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you.
Never, Never, Never Give up.
For the Christian Prayer is not an option but an opportunity.
Don't tell the Lord how big the problem is,
tell the problem how Great the Lord is!

Rabu, September 05, 2007

All for Love

United Live

Intro: F  G/B  C  F  G/B  C

All for love, a Father gave
F G/B Am
For only love could make a way
F G/B Am F G/B C
All for love, the heavens cried for love was crucified

G/B Am7
Oh, how many times have I broken Your heart
But still You forgive if only I ask
G/B Am7
And how many times have You heard me pray
Draw near to me

G D/F# Em
Everything I need is You
My beginning, my forever
G D/F# Em C ...
Everything I need is You

Let me sing all for love
I will join the angel song
F G/B Am
Ever holy is the Lord
King of glory, King of all

Em C Em C

C D/F# G
All for love a Savior prayed
C D/F# Em
Abba Father, have Your way
C D/F# G
Though they know not what they do
C D/G# Em9
Let the cross draw man to You, to You
Em9 ..................>>back to chorus G
To You, to You

Minggu, September 02, 2007


Love.. What is Love? Apa sih arti kata 'cinta'? Ato mungkin di sini akan lebih dibahas love yg berarti KASIH. Kasih itu apa sih?
Mungkin drpd membahas kata 'love' akan lbh gampang dimengerti memakai kata 'kasih'. Love memiliki arti lebih luas. Kasih adalah salah satunya.

Ani dikasih boneka oleh Anto. Dikasih, kata dasarnya adalah kasih, berarti diberi. Mengasihi berarti ada sesuatu yg hrs kita berikan, entah itu ke Tuhan, ke orang tua, atau ke teman.
Apa buktinya kita udah mengasih Tuhan? Apa buktinya kita udah mengasihi org2 di sekitar kita?
Apakah kita sudah memberikan sesuatu ke mereka? Atau hanya sekedar kata2 yg keluar dr mulut kita?

Guyz, Tuhan ga minta janji. Tuhan minta bukti. Klo kita bilang kita mengasihi Tuhan,pdhl qta masih nyimpen benci / dendam ama org2 di sekitar kita, itu sama aja BOHONG BESAR! Klo mengasihi sesama qta yg keliatan aj qta ga bisa, apalagi mengasihi Tuhan yg ga keliatan..
Tuhan ga bilang kita cm harus mengasihi Dia doang. Tp hukum terutama yg kedua adalah kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti dirimu sendiri.

Tuhan dah memberikan kasihNya kepada qta. Sekarang tugas kita adalah menyampaikan kasih itu ke org lain yg belum pernah merasakan kasih Allah. Qta udah tau klo Tuhan Yesus udah mati buat dosa2 kita, tp apakah tmn2 kita, org2 yg ad di sekitar kita udah tau jg? Yupz, memang ada yg udah tau, tp brp byk yg blom mengenal Kasih itu? That's our job!

Byk yg sering bilang ingin Indonesia bertobat, ingin Indonesia diselamatkan.. Siapakah Indonesia?? Ga usah ngmng yg skala besar dl d. Coba liat sekeliling kita dl, keluarga qta, tmn2 qta, merekalah Indonesia. Gmn Indonesia mo diselamatkan, gmn Indonesia mo mengenal Yesus klo mereka tidak pernah melihat n merasakan kasihNya.

Ini tugas kita. Kita sama2 sampaikan Kasih itu melalui kehidupan kita. Ga perlu d kita dtg ke org sambil bw alkitab trus bacain salah satu ayat.. Qta cuma perlu lakukan firmanNya. Tunjukin kasih itu melalui perbuatan kita, perkataan kita, tingkah laku kita. Ketika mereka bs melihat ada kasih dlm hidup kita, mereka jg pasti akan bisa melihat ada Yesus dlm diri qta. Biar hidup kita menjadi kesaksian buat org lain. Tanpa kothbah, hny dgn perbuatan qta.

Jgn simpen dendam. Jgn simpen kebencian. Klo masi nyimpen, beresinlah secepatnya.. Ga ad untungnya nyimpen 'sampah' spt itu. Memang ga gampang melakukannya, apalagi meminta maaf duluan wlpn qta tau klo dia yg salah. Tapi klo dipikir2, ketika kita ud sebel ama dia, kita kesel ama dia, itu berarti kita d salah ama dia. Jd gpp dong klo belajar minta maaf duluan.. =) i know that's really really hard. Tp itu bs jd awal dr membagikan kasih kpd mrk.

Yuk kita sama2 belajar apa yg namanya Kasih itu, dan klo kita dah menemukan Kasih itu, yuk kita bagiin ke org laen. Jgn kita simpen sendiri. Dikasihi untuk mengasihi. ^^ Kita udah dikasihi oleh Tuhan, sekarang saatnya kita mengasihi org lain, mengasihi saudara2 kita, mengasihi teman2 kita.
